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Taro Yamada. Neuro-cranio-vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils. Multiple disc disease.

Published by at 22 December, 2014

Surgery date: November 2014

I’m a 40-year-old man from Japan. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Royo for having researched this disease and designed the surgical technique to treat it. I also would like to thank Dr. Fiallos, who visited me and operated on me, and Mrs. Yuka Takahashi for being my connection between Japan and Spain. I’m very grateful to all the team at the Institute. Thank you very much.

I’m going to tell you about my medical history.

When I was approximately 15, I started suffering from very intense migraines, contractures in my shoulders, pain all over my body and loss of muscle mass. I couldn’t concentrate on my studies and could barely attend classes.

At 18 I was admitted to the university hospital close to my home during 2 weeks to run a few tests. At that time, it was still quite difficult to detect Chiari malformation; I was diagnosed of juvenile muscular atrophy (later on I would hear my doctor talk to a colleague in the corridor and say that he really didn’t know what I had).

Since then, I tried acupuncture, quiropractic, massage and was even stretching on my own. As I couldn’t live with so much pain any longer, I saw a psychiatrist and pretended I was depressed, so that he would prescribe me muscle relaxers (the side effects of which are memory loss, weight gain, etc).

A turning point came when I started working as a salesman. One of my clients recommended that I saw a renowned quiropractor, whom I went to see immediately. I was very lucky to be visited by him. Usually a quiropractor applies the treatments that he considers to be most appropriate, but my quiropractor, after a very thorough visit, told me that he couldn’t treat me and that I had to go to a good hospital to have tests done. He prepared a referral letter for a doctor at the hospital where they did my MRIs and found out Arnold-Chiari I Malformation. The word “malformation” scared me, but at the same time I felt relieved since now I knew the cause of my condition.

I started searching the Internet and found the university hospital that had treated most Arnold-Chiari I cases in Japan. With the referral letter from my quiropractor, I saw a specialist at that hospital. Although the members of the patient association that had undergone surgery with this doctor treated me very well, the doctor didn’t and said very unpleasant things… I couldn’t believe he was working as a doctor… without even looking at me or visiting me, based on my scans only, he said that surgery would not be useful in my case. He gave no advice at all and showed me the door.

I started doctor shopping, but I couldn’t find a specialist who would be able to provide solutions. I felt completely alone, restless and sad, I thought I would have to live with my disease forever.

I kept taking medication for depression, epilepsy and pain and it really seemed as if I was depressed. I went through a very difficult time that I can’t express in words; I was a very boring father, impatient and tired with my wife, my daughters and the whole family.

I searched the Internet using the keywords “Chiari malformation, treatment” and found the Institut Chiari de Barcelona. I read a few testimonials and about the surgical technique with great enthusiasm. I knew that was my chance and got in touch with Mrs. Takahashi.

I did 6 MRIs in a row at the hospital in my neighbourhood and sent all the necessary scans to the Institute. When they answered that I could undergo the sectioning of the Filum Terminale surgery, I immediately scheduled an appointment for the earliest date available. I travelled to Spain with my sister and my brother in law.

During the preoperative visit, Dr Fiallos was very attentive, performed the physical exam and gave me very detailed explanations like I had never had before. The doctors and the team at the Institute are very humble, but I saw a firm confidence in them and a reassuring way, thus I underwent surgery with no fear or worry.

Right after the intervention, I recovered the sensitivity to temperature and my feet were no longer cold. It’s unbelievable, the unpleasant symptoms and the contracture in all my body that I had been suffering from during so many years disappeared. The strength in my hands increased by 10 kg.

After being discharged from the hospital, I stayed at the hotel a few days. Despite not having planned to go sightseeing, I wandered around Barcelona during a week; saw the art of Gaudi, Dalí, Miró etc. My nerves, affected by the traction of the filum terminale, had been released and stimulated, so I had the opportunity to enjoy a special moment, as if the main reason for my trip were tourism and the intervention were something extra…

In the postoperative check-up I experienced even more improvements. The doctor asked me: “Why did you come here?” and I replied: “to cure my condition”. I immediately realized that was not the reason, because before the intervention they told me that the surgery aimed at stopping the progression of the disease, the recovery would depend on each person’s characteristics, so I’d better not have too much hope. After the surgery I recovered so well that I completely forgot I had suffered from that disease.

I’m writing my experience from Japan. The experience in Spain has really been the best thing that could have ever happened in my life. My family and friends are surprised when they see my face, without frowning, and tell me that I am more sociable.

I really want to share my experience at the Institut Chiari de Barcelona with those who suffer from my same condition, but if I talked too much about that, they would look at me as if I were a weird person. There are too many negative opinions from Japanese doctors who deny Japanese patients the opportunity to undergo the surgery in Barcelona; quiropractors who offer patients treatments without studying their case or having sufficient information, doctors who recommend bone-shortening surgeries…  but they did nothing for me, they didn’t offer a solution… neither they treated me properly as a patient and as a person!

What I want to say out loud is: “Do not hide treatment options from patients! Do not make choices about someone’s life based on your own values!”

I received a treatment that was 100% satisfactory. Maybe not all patients will appreciate this surgery, but here is the truth.

I want those who are hesitating to be brave and give it a try. They can contact me through Mrs Takahashi. I will tell them everything. I hope that my testimonial will give courage to those who are going through the same suffering I experienced.

Finally I’ve got my life back and am full of hope.

Thank you very much!

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